est né de l'association deMultiAxes et Spathfluor. Ce site web vous présente de nombreux minéraux et des fossiles dont les prix peuvent satisfaire un large public de collectionneurs.
MultiAxes est bien connu dans le monde des minéralogistes et des collectionneurs pour la qualité de ses spécimens présentés. Vous pouvez remarquer ce nom dans de nombreuses revues de minéralogie. is a full web site devoted to the fluorite, which is made by Etienne Guillou-Gotkovsky. Since some years, many internet users subscribe to the mailing-list.
On , you will find numerous informations about fluorite : mines, litterature, mining shares... and, of course, everything about the book " The Valzergues Fluorite Mine"( "La Mine de Fluorine de Valzergues") - author Etienne Guillou-Gotkovsky.Etienne Guillou Gotkovsky... underground!

Have a good surf!

Reviews from some our visitors...A FEW NEW MINERAL DISCOVERIES
Another Europe-based site which I find intriguing is that of the French dealership Spathfluor Minerals (, which offers miscellaneous French specimens such as seldom make it to shows in the United States, and many of excellent quality too (to judge from the pictures). These include bladed single crystals and floater groups of translucent white cerussite crystals, thumbnail-size, from the mines of Chaillac; good, lustrous metallic gray bournonite crystals to 3 cm from Ste.-Laurent-le-Miniere, and white crested barite on matrix from the same locality; transparent golden barite crystals to 2 cm on matrix from Châtelguyon, Puy-de-Dôme; pink fluorite from Mont Blanc, Haute-Savoie; and very fine chalcopyrite and blue fluorite specimens from the Montroc orefield, Tarn.
Mineralogical Record website - Posted on 3/1/2005

Message about mineralogical sites described in
The mineralogical sites can belocated on private ownerships. It can still be covered by a mining title. Anyway, these pages cannot be an authorization or an incentive to collect mineralogical sample there.